What is it about snow that we love? We will sit as one and admire it. We appreciate it for some odd reason and the hope that it brings. It is cold and wet, things we do not typically like. But for most of us, it means anticipation of snow days and different schedules. It is the talk of snow that really causes a buzz. "Did you hear it was suppose to snow even more?" we exclaim. We look forward to playing in snow, staying inside away from the snow, sledding and having snow-ball fights.
There must be something in us that sees snow as something different than just cold rain. The insecurity that snow causes about driving conditions and scheduled meetings just rings though us. We, well at least I, hope secretly and earnestly that everything will be cancelled for "safety's sake".
Two things, frozen rain, and snow; they are the same and yet so different; which reminds me of something that happened the other day. At work, a man became upset and started to yell through a crowd of 200 people at a woman he was angry at. All you could hear above the crowd was, "I'm gonna find you! And you better hope you're not alone!" Later that day, I was doing some data entry while listening to Pandora, when a song by Jack Johnson came on. I am not sure what the rest of the lyrics were; but one caught me. In a soothing, comforting tone he hummed, "you better hope you're not alone." I don't know the rest of the song, but I had a very distinct feeling that Jack was saying something completely different than the angry man.
Back to what I was saying about snow though. Could it be that we revel in snow so much because it is a heavenly force that interrupts us and reminds us that there is something bigger than us in the world? Could it be that we are reminded that something greater is happening? Could it be God uses snow every once in a while to enact sabbath in an overworked city? Could it be that we are anticipating not just rest and fun, but ultimately, the good news of the kingdom?
Do you know any angry men? You know the kind that are actually upset when it snows because it ruins their schedule? The ones that see it as cold rain and a pain.
Later, at the elevator, I stepped in. Number two was already lit and a commonly wearied man stood across from me. As the elevator started to move we sighed in unison. Though we were different in every way, in age, gender, race, and status. We were one in that moment. I just know we both had the same feeling that somethings are wrong with the world, somethings we can change, and somethings we just got to do. Thank goodness it was snowing.
-Emily Haynes