Aesthetics 3 Month Goals:
- Finish existing walking path
- Repair picnic tables, clean and restain
- Weed and re-mulch paths
- Firewood station
- Herb garden
- Create an enclosed storage space
- Permanent tree hanging banner
- Green houses
- Signage
- Mailbox
- Flowers
- Dog run
- Build additional recycling stations
Visiting Neighbors and Neighborhood Hospitality 3 Month Goals:
- Monthly grief support basket for neighbors who have lost loved ones
- Give neighbors leftover food each week
- Be deliberate about listening to neighbors and finding ways to support them
- Supply nook for basket supplies
Community Events/Trees/Marketing 3 Month Goals:
- Developing a garden logo
- Plant three more trees and get all signs up
- Get signs up for trees already planted
- Host community events 1 each month in the summer - brainstorm ideas for interesting additions to the events
- Maintain consistency in all marketing across all platforms
Garden Goals 3 Month Goals:
- Consistency in gardening and community presence
- Participation from the community
- Rigging up a clothesline for growing vines upright
- Distributing produce baskets in the community
- Figuring out a system to let neighbors know when produce is ripe and ready
Sustainability Impact Team 3 Month Goals:
- Build out bottom part of recycling container to collect batteries and other future items that aren't picked up by normal recycling.
- Add educational pieces about sustainability to garden newsletter
- Host 1 community trash pickup in the next 2 months
- Create composting education magnets to give out